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Change - Calculating with francs and centimes in the number range 100

CHF 34.90

Many children have difficulty calculating change. It is helpful if they learn on an active level first and then add change step by step.

The material is differentiated in three ways:

*Change amounts in ZR 100 (only in Swiss francs)

*Change amounts in ZR 100 (Francs and Rappen)

*Total & change amounts in ZR 100 (Francs and Rappen)

And this is how it works:

  1. The child chooses a card with the appropriate level of difficulty.
  2. The card shows what is being purchased and which note should be used to pay.
  3. The child gradually places play money next to the card, adding up the amount up to the value of the note.
  4. Once the change has been placed, it can simply be counted.
  5. The card is turned over for checking.

If you don't have any laying material yet, you can also find the copy templates for francs and cents in the shop.

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